
Monday, May 18, 2009

A few months back I began the exciting journey into the world of home gardening, and this week I enjoyed the first fruits of my labor! Take a look at this beauty!'

That is 100% HOMEGROWN BABY!!!

Here's a look at things to come!

I started the summer telling myself, "Just tomatoes, I want to focus on JUST tomatoes so that i can devote my full attention to JUST TOMATOES..." Of course, my first trip to the garden center I left with 6 tomato plants and this little beauty...

One free rosemary bush that is just LOVING the spot that i picked out for it in the garden...

fast forward about a month, and its time to buy tomato cages... One more trip to the garden store and not only do i leave with 6 tomato cages, but I also get...

Sweet Basil


Ivory Bell Pepper

Yellow Squash

and Zucchini!

Then today, I was browsing the new Whole Foods that just opened in my neighborhood and came home with these...


and Oregano!

I think i may have a problem...

...and since I dont want anyone to leave this post thinking that I've been the only one spending time cultivating a green thumb, Here is what Ben has been up to... Erasing the evidence of the 95 lb dog that tore up our yard last summer!

I really wish I had a before picture with the bald patches, because the new grass he planted is coming in SO nicely!